Building a successful long-term recruitment partnership

Sourcing and hiring quality design and technology talent can be time consuming as well as challenging, so it’s no wonder clients turn to my service for a more efficient and effective search. In order to get the most out of our recruitment partnership, I want to share a few strategies that have emerged as clear factors for success over the years.

My approach has always been consultative, and I aim to add value in more areas than just recruitment, but it really all comes down to collaboration. We need to be singing from the same hymn sheet to achieve synergy, a deep understanding and a desire to accomplish shared goals.

Take me on your journey To be your true brand ambassador in the market, I need to be educated on your company and opportunity. This might sound like recruitment 101, but what I’m really asking you to do is involve me in every step of your journey – your history, mission, challenges, people, and even your impact on the world.

There are many factors that entice the best talent – salary, location, company size and more. But in today’s day and age, I’ve found that top design talent don’t just want any role. They want to know the ins and outs, for example:

  • How much influence will they have on the designs? Who has the final say on the designs?
  • How do you see the design team growing?
  • How mature is design within the organisation?
  • How does research play a role in product development/strategy?
  • What is the company’s design process? Has anything not worked with this process? If so, why?
  • How do Software Engineers and Designers work with each other?
  • What does career progression look like?

The list goes on. Another important piece of the puzzle is who your benchmark is within your team. Give me an insight to your top performers. What traits make them so successful? Work environments and management styles differ greatly, there’s no ‘one size fits all’.

More than just recruitment For me, it’s always been about more than recruitment. I’ve worked hard to break the negative recruiter stereotype with my clients – not only by building and maintaining trust, but also offering market intel to help across their business.

Here are just a few other ways I can add value:

  • Advice on scaling your design team as your company grows
  • Proactively build your talent pipeline by representing your brand to passive candidates
  • Salary guides
  • Advice on industry best practice
  • Help with employee retention strategies

As a consultant and avid industry networker, I’m your eyes, ears and voice in the market so it’s imperative that you work with me – not against me. The design and technology community is small and the six degrees of separation (or less) rings true. So, I encourage you to leverage my expertise, even when you’re not hiring.

I’ve worked with companies in the past that aren’t willing to invest time in the relationship or help me understand exactly what they’re looking for in their next hire. This makes my job difficult and can waste a lot of time.

If you really want to get the most out of our partnership, be clear on what you’re looking for, take me on your journey and leverage my industry knowledge. These are the keys to a successful recruitment partnership.

Give me a call on 0433 952 150 or email [email protected] – whether you’re hiring or not!

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